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Discover the Unknown (part 1): Run for it, Forest

Laurie J. Jackson

Updated: Apr 23, 2021

Breathe in two counts. Breathe out two counts. Each foot-hit against the pavement is a breath. If I start to feel tired, or if my side starts to cramp, I take a long inhale in and a long exhale out. This gets more oxygen to my fatigued muscles as I run, and it helps settle the beat of my heart. Breathing is so natural to us that sometimes we forget that we can control the way we breathe. You hear this in yoga and meditation a lot, but I originally learned how to control my breathing in swimming. And it has proven to help in my running.

I have always loved going running or walking outside. It is a simple workout, that requires very little equipment—hmm, I should buy some new sneakers. I used to do cross-country when I was younger, and when you run that often, you have to learn what shoes work for you. This in itself can help take care of those shin splints and blisters. I have always liked Asics and the support they give my flat feet. However, after an awesome visit to Fleet Feet, I found another comfortable shoe option that fits the movement of my run. My feet tend to hit outside, and the roll inward as I run, so the staff member at Fleet Feet had suggested Saucony. This is not to say I don’t occasionally go back to Asics every once in a while…It really just depends on the current price deals at that point.

I know so many who say they hate running, and they find me crazy when I explain how much joy I get from it. The smile I’m giving on my run is completely genuine. Of course, it is different for every person, but I encourage you to see if the shoe makes for a better experience. And if you don’t know where to start, then poke your head inside your local Fleet Feet store. Let them guide you to a better walking, running, or even hiking experience. Give running another try and play your favorite songs, podcasts, or listen in on your next audio book. Sometimes my mind gets so occupied with what I’m listening to, I forget I’m even running.

Having a companion to go for a run or walk with is a great way to socialize and get active, but sometimes days call for running alone to get in touch with yourself. Your mind can stay occupied simply by the places you wander past—a place you would have never taken note of. When in a new place, I enjoy going around on foot to help get better acquainted with my surroundings. This makes it easier for me to drive around in an area later. Running in my own development, I take notice of the changes, the new structures, and the different style houses. I would never see these things if I was just driving by. I don’t preplan my route when I walk out the door but rather make turns, right in the moment. I pick up the pace and sprint sections, and then slow to a jog and walk others.

Taking the same route every day might be nice when you know the exact distance, or if you don’t want to observe what’s around you. You’d rather take the same old route, so you can clear your mind from all the conversations going on inside your head. However, finding new paths can bring your senses along for the run, getting yourself actively aware of what is around you. You can find the importance of yourself right here in this moment. There may be different parks in your area, or different trails nearby that you’ve never seen before. How do you find them, if you don’t know they are there?

A great app or website you can go to is All Trails. This will help show all the trails in your area. You can use the app to record your route and track your distance. There are reviews and pictures from others who have walked the trail, along with important tags, like “dogs on leash, kid friendly, paved, etc.,” which give you an idea of what to expect before you get there. It lets you easily see the length of the trail, the elevation gain, and level of difficulty. You can browse by suitability, best views, and by activity. Let’s say you want to go running, walking, biking, hiking, skiing, rock climbing, or even paddling on a lake. All Trails gives you the best trails to take. The app will continue to grow as we spread the word and add more of our personal experiences. It is a perfect opportunity right now—the weather is getting nice, and with COVID-19, indoor activities are being avoided—so get outside and experience nature. Start with a walk. Work your way to a jog. And run to that next spot ahead.

Coming up next:

Discover the Unknown (part 2): Hiking the Forest

Standing at the edge of a forest, I see paths. Multiple! Leading to unknown directions that carry chances. Lost! Creating discoveries that may change what you see.

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My doubts and negativity will keep me safe, but it will also hold me back from living. I won't go to the extreme of saying yes to every opportunity, but I want to push myself and try things I wouldn't normally try.


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