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Words2Art: Wham

Laurie J. Jackson

Updated: Apr 23, 2021

The sound around you is associated with a word.

There’s a name for it. Based on the sound itself. Listen to the Onomatopoeia.

The word for June makes a beat. A summer slam! Wham!

More than the beat

of your heart,

the vibration

inside your chest travels.

Unseen, but heard.

Felt through the souls

of your feet.

Inside the pit

of your stomach.


Against your ribs.

Heat of those

around you.




Travel with sounds.

Connect with songs.

Music within,

a vibration

inside your chest.

June is the start of summer for many, with pools opening, fire pits burning, and concerts starting. I get asked by my parents why I enjoy going to concerts in the summer. “You can hear the music better right here at home,” Mom says. They aren’t a fan of crowds, and neither am I. However, every once in a while, during the summer, I take in the crowds for one purpose. A music concert is more than just listening, but a feeling. You can feel the sound traveling around you, carried with vibrations across the stage, through the ground, and out to the audience.

Your whole body can feel the music at a concert. “You might not realize that music engages not only your auditory system but many other parts of your brain as well, including areas responsible for movement, language, attention, memory, and emotion” (Harvard Health, 2018). Unfortunately, this summer a lot of music concerts and festivals are closed, but that doesn’t mean the music has stopped. Artists are going live virtually, via Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, and many more. If you follow your favorite artists on their social media accounts, they normally post when and where they are playing, right from their own homes. You get to connect with them on a new level. Of course, this virtual stage isn’t the same for either, the musicians or the audience. We lose out on the energy of those around us, and the rawness of a live performance. However, with these current circumstances, attending a live stream, or a virtual concert, is a great way to stay connected with the artists we love, and to still feel those great mindful vibes.

Most of the virtual concerts are free, with a donation location that helps raise money to fight against COVID-19. Some artists are doing giveaways during their performances and have new merchandise to help raise money for the different organizations. Usually the artist will have a donate box on their website, along with information on the organization they support and are donating towards. There are even some websites that have a line-up of artists to play throughout the day, just like a music festival.

People are getting creative during quarantine, and thankfully our digital world allows us to reach out to one another from great distances. I encourage you to think outside the box. Crank up the volume and feel the wham against your ribs, as you dance around your house. Work with the quarantine restrictions, and get your brain moving. With a few friends, I can connect to a live show and create an outdoor music festival of my own.

Here are some places to start, as you check out those virtual performances:

Keep an eye on those upcoming festivals and see if they are making any online appearances.

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My doubts and negativity will keep me safe, but it will also hold me back from living. I won't go to the extreme of saying yes to every opportunity, but I want to push myself and try things I wouldn't normally try.


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